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P.Bio isn't just a notepad for journal entries... P.Bio actually logs your daily
activities - who you contacted, where you were, the pictures you took, and more - automatically!

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For Current Users
  • Unlike other diary and journaling software, P.Bio creates a diary/timeline of your life automatically - without the need for any manual entries. Jump to a day and see the pictures you took, the friends you contacted, where you bought things and where you were. You can add journal entries if you wish, but you can still see what you did on most days of your life without having to enter anything.
  • P.Bio makes it easy to find digital photos - no more searching through folders for pictures with names like "DSCN2315"; now you just go to the day when you took the pictures.
  • Privacy is assured with high security - all your info is protected with encryption, login, and password. P.Bio is not web-based; it lives on your computer so you have complete control over who can access it, and when and where.
  • Powerful search feature to find people, places, and other items from your life history
  • Thirty different fun, colorful themes to choose from, or create your own theme!
  • Users can create custom panels to track any aspect of their lives
  • Printed manual
  • Only $49.95, with free downloadable upgrades.