Here is a list of MusEdit "Tips" which you can consult each day if you wish. These are useful hints on how to do something with MusEdit, reminders of things which may be mentioned in the manual but are easily overlooked, and other such things.
Note: Two other places to get tips, suggestions and answers to questions are User Questions and Suggestions and Tips. It can be interesting to browse through these pages for more tips and techniques on how to use MusEdit.
#1 - How To Separate Interleaved Translated Lines
#2 - Modifying Notes in Clusters
#3 - Use Keyboard Codes to Enter Music
#4 - Use A-G to Jump to Staff Line Positions
#5 - Use Blank Line Fonts for Fine Vertical Adjustments
#6 - Make Complex Layouts with Multiple Printings on the Same Sheet
#7 - Use a Template to Start New Scores
#8 - Translate chords to treble or tab to hear as MIDI
#9 - Use Spaces in Line Label for Indenting
#10 - Separating Transposed Versions of a Score
#11 - Putting Fingering Numbers on Both Sides of Chord
#12 - Use The CapsLock Key When Entering Lots of Down Stem Notes
#13 - Use Shortcuts to Easily Navigate From One Folder to Another
#14 - Use Alt + U/D to Move Notes and Extended Objects
#15 - Details About MusEdit's Autosave Feature
#16 - Use Leading Space in Staff Text to Position Text Precisely
#17 - How to Hide Note Stems on Selected Tab Lines
#18 - Periodically Backup Your MEChords.dat File
#19 - Use Correct Fingering for Strum and Muted Tab Notes
#20 - Use (Excessively) Large Print Size to Maximize Size on Printouts
#21 - Use "Go To..." To Find Out Information About The Score
#22 - Turn Off Mutual Translation For Individual Line Editing
#23 - Tab lines have hidden key signature, set this before transposing
#24 - Quick Ways to Access and Start MusEdit
#25 - Triplets From Below, and "Multi-plets"
#26 - Don't be reluctant to use landscape orientation when printing
#27 - Use Ctrl + Tab to Show Toolbox and Other Windows
#28 - Select a word, then use Alt + L/R arrow to slide it
#29 - Hide unneeded toolbars on finished scores
#30 - How To Draw Octave ( 8va ) Notation Above a Staff
#31 - Chord names written as text can be translated to chord diagrams
#32 - Use Alt + U/D and Alt+Shift+U/D To Cycle Through Chords
#33 - How to enter a © (copyright) symbol (and others...)
#34 - Copy music to a temporary line, transform, then copy back
#35 - How to enter/space music on staff lines
#36 - Use insertion shortcuts to speed up notation entry
#37 - How (and why) to enter leading tie on staff lines
#38 - Use Ctrl+T to insert spaces between staff lines
#39 - How MusEdit determines fret position for tab
#40 - Fonts common to all windows systems - best to stick to these for posted music
#41 - In case of problem with a file, copy the contents of the file to a new file
#42 - A few tips for squeezing more staves on a page
#43 - Alternate fonts for time signature using Staff Text
#44 - Make two versions of a score: with repeat notation and fully drawn out
#45 - An inexpensive but versatile music stand
#46 - Case Study in Subtle Notation Problems Resulting in MIDI Speed-Up
#47 - Use Shift + Arrow keys for multi-staff selection
Yowza Software, P.O. Box 4275, Berkeley CA 94704 USA