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A few comments from MusEdit users...

This is the GREATEST thing I've ever seen for music!!!! Unbelievably easy to use -does things I've never even thought of- and of course the final printed product looks beautiful I figured it could do alot but I didn't think it would be soooo easy! I barely even read the instructions and within a few minutes I had a complete grasp of how to run this phenomenal program. I'm recommending it to ALL my friends in music. Sheer perfection! Thank you soooo much! Creating my guitar instrucion book will be a snap and will look awesome thanks to you. You're the best. " Sincerely, Dave Benziger

... It looks really good. I've seen some other types of programs like MusEdit, but none of them came close to doing all of the things that MusEdit does. It's great, I've been looking for a program like this for just under 4 years now ! It's feels good to know that I've finally found it and it didn't cost me a fortune. Thank you again ! Terry Brown, Vancouver BC

Hi Doug...I just got your marvelous MusEdit is a piece of work, it's beautiful! It is so packed with features... Bob

"The ability to translate between different tunings is just fantastic! It's so useful!" - Jim Berton

"The translation from ASCII to tab is really, really cool. Thanks!" - Pieter Sijrier (Holland)

"You've done a marvelous job in creating this product" - Joseph D. Zubie

"A great program at an unbelievable value. Awesome." - Jeffery King

"I think your program is excellent..." - Brian Hamning

"The product is a joy to use!" - Steve Richie

"It's a great program -- perfect for me -- and I'm so glad to have found it. Thanks." -Jeri

"Good luck continuing your business. MusEdit is a fine product that deserves recognition and success in the market." -Dave

"I think your software is great!! I've tried several other packages and none of them offer what MusEdit does" - S. Rigelhof

"I'm very impressed with the high degree of sophistication of this program for such a low price" - R McMichael

"I am very impressed with this program. It is something that I have been looking for for several years." - J. Ousley

"It's a great program and thanks for taking the time to put it together." sincerely Jim Lynch

"You know just what I want. I tried it out and seems to work great! Thanks for the help and great software" -Dale

"I enjoy the program and thanks again for your quick replies and I'm spreading the news about it" -Jerry

"I think it is a very great program at a very low price!" - G. Spotorno

"Good features. More useful for me than other software (Finale)" - T. Kober

"So far so good! It is doing exactly what I had hoped it would. Nice job on creating this program." - E. Elias

"Generally a great affordable notation program. I use it to write parts (4 horns/rhythm) for a salsa band" -R. Thorp

"Thanks very much for your excellent program" -DEREK BONE

"I have been using Musedit more lately and am really thankful for it." Russ McKissick

"It's great. I've been looking for software like this for a while. It will be very useful in my teaching and playing" M. Peacock

"It is very much more comprehensive than I had imagined. Many thanks. You've done a great job" - J Underwood

"I like the keyboard entering events on the screen. Combination of mouse and keyboard is fast and easy. The chord designer... is fantastic" - Vic April

"First impressions of the program are that it is brilliant; in particular for the comprehensive range of chord tables for guitar and for me, with only the rudiments of music, it is a great learning tool. I look for to developing my own music in guitar tab for open tunings and converting this to full music score." - Ian Turner

"I've been looking at all the other s/w out there and yours is by far the best. I also believe the quality of the printout's are equal to those programs costing $300.00 to $800.00 and more. Thanks for putting out such a great product" -Kirk Warren

"Great product, as a Classical Guitar player not wanting to get too deep into MIDI sequencer programs your product looks like it does everything that I have been looking for." - Keith McKibbin

"You've done a great job with this piece of software. I looked at 8-10 music notation packages on the net before finally settling on MusEdit. It's everything I was looking for, and more. " - Dan Blais

" beats Finale and Encore hands down (the programs I WAS using for making guitar tab). Mututal translation is TERRIFIC (why has no one else thought of this or done it -- GREAT feature!!)." - Jon Elion

"I think it's great. I am currently downloading Tab off the internet and converting it and cleaning it up in MusEdit. The MIDI playback is great, and was the biggest reason I bought MusEdit" - D. Suchy

"Great product! I have been looking for two years fo a music editor that handled guitar tab AND standard music notation. MusEdit was everything I was thinking of." - P Baer

"I was happy to find something moderately priced that had accurate notation standards -to translate to Tab is a real bonus... I'm sure this will be one of my most valuable tools"- Les Rault

"It's very user friendly. I'm still learning how to use it but very much enjoy working with it. It blows my mind away to be able to play what I've written" - R. Leech

"It seems ideal for my purposes which is to write individual parts for a brass band. I particularly like the ability to transpose parts for instruments in different keys playing the same parts." -P. O'Callaghan

First, let me congratulate you on the immense work you've done. It's an excellent program overall, and amazing value for money. It is obviously a labor of love. -Paul Hawthorne

MusEdit is a great piece of software--especially for the price! -Mike Paramore

What do I think? This is the first affordable notation program that I have found that allows guitar music with bass and treble lines running along the treble stave. The software is easy to use and intuitive - I am getting faster all the time and it has only been installed 2/3 days. Overall it is "excellent" and cheap at the price. Well done! -Richard Underwood

Being able to sit and voice chord forms to my hearts content is mana from heaven. And, I sure appreciate both the dictionary form of each chord type, and the thoughtfulness of placing user created options at the head of the queue... that way we have the best of both worlds; having most commonly used forms at fingertips, and other voicings close by, too. -Robbie

I so far find this program more to my liking them Tabrite or Cakewalk. Both of which are great programs, but I had to use them both to get notation and tab. -Mahalo Nui and Aloha No from Hawaii, Chuck

As a guitar instructor I appreciate the professionalism I convey with guitar exercises created with Music Edit. It is a indispensable tool for guitar instruction. I also use it to notate arrangements for my band!!! Outstanding!!! -Michael Hassell

I will definitely spread the word on your fabulous product! (and I'm _so_ glad I didn't waste my money elsewhere for an inferior shareware tablature application!) Roy

Let me first say that I used MusEdit last night, and it was wonderful! I think that the tab feature it the most intuitive of any I've used, and it produces great results. Joe White

"I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you what a splendid program you've written.I've tried two of your competitors and was very unhappy with both programs. Your program has every feature I wished I had with the others" -Rob MacCoun

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 Yowza Software, P.O. Box 4275, Berkeley  CA  94704  USA
800-234-0427 (US/Canada) or 510-908-0027