Notation Examples



Here are a few examples of what you can do with MusEdit:

(Note! Printed images will not have the jagged lines seen in these screen shots! See FAQ-Appearance)

Guitar notation:

This example begins with a "Chord line" showing the chord diagrams for the chords used in the score, then the score lines, which consist of chord names, strumming rhythms on a "Rhythm line", and the treble and tab versions of the music.  In this case the Tab lines don't show note stems with each digit, but they can be shown on the Tab lines by clicking a button.

Tab with fingering symbols, colored digits, Bass Tab, and Dulcimer Tab:

Tab notation legend:

The following tablature legend was produced with MusEdit and illustrates the many "advanced" symbols MusEdit can handle, such as ghost notes, whammy bar notation, grace notes, and all other treble and tablature symbols.


Classical guitar notation


Standard Chord, Vocal, Piano score style


Chord diagrams in different sizes, with names in different colors


Keyboard notation:

This is a sample from a Hayden piano sonata.  It illustrates tuplets, fingering notation, clef changes, and other features useful for keyboard notation.


Drum notation:


Complex notation for cello (complex time signatures, etc.)



Multi-instrument scores:


Music score with an inserted image:

   With MusEdit it's possible to insert an image, a sound, or other "object" into a musical score.

   Example: Image of company logo (Yowza Software) inserted directly into the top of this score



Examples of Actions Possible with MusEdit


In both the transposition examples above, the caret was placed in the original (top) line, then Options|Transpose... was chosen. The original key (G) was then transposed to A. Notice that in the Tab case fingerings weren't simply shifted up two frets -that's not how the melody would really be played- instead, MusEdit chose the most appropriate fingering by shifting many of the notes to a higher string. In some cases this causes some notes to be lost (see last bar) but you can correct this situation by hand if you'd prefer the notes on the G string to be played at the fourth fret (B notes) rather than open on the B string.

Transposing a piece consisting of Chord Diagrams, Treble, and Tab:
  The following excerpt (from Dylan's The Times They Are A-Changin') was originally in the key of G:

By selecting all the lines and then choosing Options|Transpose and then selecting the key of C, ALL lines in the selection are transposed to C, including the chord diagrams:


The following examples indicate some of the line type translations you can do with MusEdit:

a) Treble to Tab:

The caret was placed in the treble line, then Options|Translate...|To TAB was chosen. The View|Show Note Stems On Tab option was then turned on, revealing that the note values were translated along with the fingering.
b) Bass to Tab:

MusEdit automatically translates bass clef to bass tab.

c) Tab to Treble:

If note stems are entered when the tab line is created, they will translate to treble correctly, so the treble line is ready to use "as is" (although sometimes small corrections are necessary). If the tab line had a non-standard tuning it would have been taken into account when the treble line was created.

d) Text to Tab:

This is an example of text-tab taken directly off the internet. The text was pasted into a MusEdit document and was automatically converted into a series of MusEdit 'Text' lines, the caret was then placed in the top of the six text-tab lines and Options|Translate...|To TAB was chosen. The Graphical Tab line appeared beneath the text-tab lines. This MusEdit tab line can now be edited, transposed, or translated to treble just like any other MusEdit tab line.

e) Text to Bass Tab:
The same techniques described above were used to open a *.bta file (bass tab), paste the tab into a MusEdit document, then translate the text to graphical bass tab.  MusEdit will automatically translate four, five or six line text-tab to the appropriate instrument (you set the type of Tab with the Preferences dialog, so four line text-tab can translate to Mandolin Tab instead of Bass Tab if you prefer):

In the second line of MusEdit tab note values were added to the fingering according to the note values indicated in the original text-tab.  This is very easy to do on a MusEdit tab line.  A little bit of editing is sometimes required to clean up ambiguous notation (such as the 10\X in the first bar, which MusEdit translated to a down slide).

f) Translation Between Different Tunings:
Because MusEdit can handle alternate tunings it can also translate one guitar tuning into a different tuning.  In fact, MusEdit can even translate tunings between completely different instruments with different numbers of strings, as the guitar tab to mandolin tab example below shows:

In this example, the caret was placed in the original treble line, then Options|Translate|To TAB was chosen.  This produced the guitar tab.  The caret was then placed in the guitar tab line and Options|SetTabString|Tuning|Mandolin|Translate was chosen, and the Mandolin tab was produced.  If your primary instrument is something other than guitar in standard tuning you can set the default tab type to translate to via the File|Preferences|Tab, Staff, etc. dialog (eg. if you always use mandolin, you can set four string mandolin as the default for all tab translations, group lines, etc.)

g) Keyboard-style Treble/Bass Pair to Guitar Tab:
By creating a line group with Treble, Bass, and Tab all mutually translating you can enter music into both the treble and bass keyboard staffs and all entries will be translated to a single tab line (with your preferred tuning).  Of course, bass notes which are beyond the range of the guitar tab will not be translated -they'll simply be left off the tab line:





 Yowza Software, P.O. Box 4275, Berkeley  CA  94704  USA
800-234-0427 (US/Canada) or 510-908-0027