Latest version of MusEdit: Version 3.90.2 for Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP (March, 2005)
NOTE: All current MusEdit users can get the latest MusEdit version for free by electronic download. If you own MusEdit but don't have the latest version, please contact Yowza Software for instructions.
Latest version of MusEdit Demo:
Version 3.90.2 for Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP (March, 2005)
Latest version of Manual: Version 7.3, Feb. 2005 (284 pgs)
Note to all current MusEdit customers: If you would like a copy
of the most recent MusEdit package (with the latest manual), please send a check for
$30 ($25 + $5 postage) to:
Yowza Software, P.O. Box 4275, Berkeley CA 94704
or call 1-800-234-0427 to order it by credit card or send e-mail to
if you want to order the newest update package online.
History of MusEdit changes:
(Note: there may be some additional changes not mentioned here)
Vers. 3.90.2 for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP (Latest version)
Added support for 10 and 12 string Chapman Stick
Vers. 3.90.1 for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP (Nearly latest version)
( See below for image showing some of these new features )
Vers. 3.80 - 3.80.8 for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP
- new Help|Staff Note Names: Note names and positions on Treble, Bass, Tab staff
- can now have color chord name, rhythm, triplet, and tab fonts
- if there is only one dot and one note (or rest) at a staff position, the dot no
longer has to be at the exact same vertical position as the note. And if there are
several dotted notes, the dots have to be close to, but not exactly next to the
notes (unless the notes are close together). A common source of playback problems was
due to a dot being placed one staff line position above or below the proper position
so even though the dot should be placed accurately, MusEdit is now more forgiving.
- (c) turns into copyright symbol
- "3" triplet is more flexible (works for any joined groups of notes, not just
groups of 3)
- joining notes in treble joins notes in Tab too if mutually translating
- virtual fretboard shows "+" dulcimer frets
- click on virtual fretboard handles "+" dulcimer frets correctly
- Shift+Alt+UD on treble line adds/removes accidental with same tone
- Left and right vertical brackets: [ ] in brackets dialog
- Bar numbering is now settable for any line
- All symbols are now incorporated into MusEdit.exe, so MusEditS.dll is no longer needed
- cleaned up bars on high res output
- Left Bar drawn like other bars
- detailed refinements of HiRes output
Examples of some changes in 3.80.8:
Changes in Vers. 3.70.8
- color is saved in all image exports
- Ad-Tab fingering can be shown as colored digits
- tempo phrase detection not case sensitive (ALLEGRO = Allegro)
- Right-click sometimes wasn't detected
Changes in Vers. 3.70.7
- new, more realistic virtual fretboards
- ability to have long bars between treble/tab pairs
- fixed problem with Midi playback when there is a staff text object at the very
start of a line ( in that case the line would be skipped during playback )
- changed bar counting to handle bar at start of staff, and timesig
- more fixing with refresh & selection in very large scores
- After Shift+Alt+Ctrl+U/D Arrow, Undo, line group would break
- when transposing, chords with /x now transpose x too eg. CMaj7/F => DMaj7/G
- auto-bar insertion now happens with insertion shortcuts
- vertical position of tab digits can now be adjusted for each file
(since this may have to change depending on the tab digit font used)
Changes in Vers. 3.70.6
- fixed scrollbar positioning for huge documents
- adjust volume dynamics settings
- alt syms, such as stemless notes, translate to Tab
- Midi effect to turn off recognition of tempo
- Midi effect to turn off recognition of dynamics
- Triplet indication as number over triplet, or number over arc
Changes in Vers. 3.70.5
- bar lines on treble thickened by one pixel (on printouts)
- fixed opaqueness of Staff Text
Changes in Vers. 3.70.4
- when note stems not shown on tab, triplets should not be drawn
Changes in Vers. 3.70.3
- able to save Midi file with mulitple line group types
- fixed auto-ties between two notes
- half note circles not reduced in size below 10 line space for Tab
- sforzando acts like accent on single note, not perm. change in loudness
- drum symbol matches legend
- fixed stacatto effect
- changed bend values (doubled) and added BendFactor Preference
- all midi effects (bends, termolos, etc.) are saved in Midi file
Vers. 3.70.2 for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP
New things (since vers. 3.60.6):
* Ad-Tab features added. This is a system for indicating what finger to use to play notes in tablature; some people believe this system makes it much easier to learn how to play a piece, and is good for teaching, and for students. It is described here:
* Better bar handling in line groups. Now when you enter symbols in lines in line groups (even a small two line group, such as treble/bass keyboard pair) bars in all the lines will stay aligned. Although this feature is usually very handy, it can also be turned off via a new Edit menu item, and if you want MusEdit to simply behave as before, uncheck the Staff Preferences bar alignment option.
* Tempo indications ("allegro", "adagio") and Dynamics ("mf", "ppp") now recognized. Enter tempo words either in rhythm lines or as staff text; enter dynamics as staff text. MusEdit will recognize them during playback. Here's a sample:
* Can auto-insert ties at end of staff and start of staff, slurs between notes of unequal pitch.
* Chord and Rhythm lines can now have any font. To change the font for chord or rhythm lines throughout the score go to the View | Line Appearance menu.
* Other new features: You can now transpose just a selected part of a line, rather than a whole line at once. If you hold Ctrl while clicking on a chord variation in the chords view, the notes will be played as an arpeggio (same with Play Chord button in the chord designer). A staff line Preference lets you decide whether to have open lines (no closing bar) at the ends of each staff. Text lines (lyrics) can be inserted between treble/bass of a keyboard pair. Exported image files will now be in color if appropriate.
Improvements and Bug Fixes
- extended objects (ties, triplets,...) stretch when notes are moved
- improved playback of rolls, trills, etc. (good for drum lines)
( )
- midi loudness changes are saved with the score
- on repeat brackets, "1 - 5" is interpreted as 1,2,3,4,5
- with 3/8, 6/8, 9/8, 12/8 timing, 8th notes join in groups of three
- note circle now drawn around whole notes on tab (vs. bare numbers)
- auto-insertion of triplets goes below staff for downstem notes
- cut in middle of line group cuts text lines at word boundaries
- lines inserted within group or created by translation
are made part of the group
- whole rests can be put anywhere in a measure, will be treated
as though at very start of the measure
- wrapping much improved, wraps lyrics, chords, rhythm correctly
- enlarge half note circle, harmonics depending on Tab line spacing
- switching to large/small symbols adjusts text size automatically
- can now print directly from large symbols mode
- midi play during note entry plays correct instrument, duration
- fixed lack of Undo after some actions
- fixed bar numbering in several cases
- fixed translation of extended objects from Treble to Tab
- several new staff line properties (under Preferences)
Vers. 3.60.6 for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP New things:
* you can now convert chord diagrams in a score from the guitar grid view to the keyboard view ( via View | Line Appearance | Chord and Tab Lines ). This was prompted by someone who plays piano, but not very well, and was hoping it would be possible to view the chords for a song as piano diagrams instead of chord diagrams.
* banjo chords are now shown with four strings below the fifth fret, five strings above. This is how it appears on the chord designer too.
- fixed text conversion of all tab lines (2 - 8 string). Enter
tab for 2 to 8 strings, select the tab line, copy it, then
do a paste in notepad, Word, or your e-mail program
- set #banjo frets to 22
- added space below 7 and 8 string tab
- plus a few other small things
Vers. 3.60.5 for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP
- handle "+" notation for Dulcimer
- reverse order of strings for Dulcimer
- alt syms in 3.60.x had random position because of not incrementing iNext
- PgDn at end of score puts caret in bottom line
- staff was drawn one staff line too low on five string tab
- position time signatures correctly on all staff
- improve how repeats are handled for measures under brackets
- alt syms toolbox would turn into a fret board when tab changes
Vers. 3.60.1 for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP
Changes include:
-ability to handle instruments with 2 - 8 strings (previously only 4-6 strings)
-ability to handle dulcimer tuning, and other instruments with non-standard fret intervals
-chord dialog and designer now show treble chords and keyboard diagrams along with chord grids
-keyboard diagrams can be inserted instead of chord diagrams
Vers. 3.51.2 for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP
Changes include:
- All chord diagrams (built-in and user-created) can now be translated to any key or alternate tuning, and if you are working in an alternate tuning the chord dialog will show dictionary chords translated to the new tuning
- When transposing a chord line to a new key, all chords (including user-designed chords) will be transposed.
- You can now use any font you want on rhythm and chord lines!
- Swing Timing on Midi Playback. This plays 8th note pairs somewhat like a dotted 8th followed by a 16th.
- Staff lines now can be drawn with or without bars at the end of staff lines (in case you like "open ended" staff lines)
- If the key signature is 3/8 6/8 9/8 or 12/8, auto-join will now join 8th notes in groups of three rather than two.
- Two new features to help with start-up problems:
- To set the registry back to the default preferences, hold down the Ctrl key while starting MusEdit.
- To prevent opening the last score which was open when MusEdit was last closed, hold down the Shift key while starting MusEdit.
Vers. 3.50.0 for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP
Changes include:
- much improved ability to import Midi files
- Updated help file, documenting the very latest changes
Vers. 3.49.4 for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP
Changes include:
-can select chords, hit n or u to join all notes
-recognize string numbering and barre notation when translating to tab
-nudgeable half and quarter notes
-Tempo saved in Midi export
3.48.9 - 4/4/02 -Added toolbar buttons: Export Graphic, Export HiRes Graphic, Export MIDI, Show Fretboard, Show Keyboard, MIDI Settings, View Labelled Lines, Print Preview
-all ext objects can be inserted in Rhythm lines
-cuttable line groups
-automatic leading tie creation
-info about current score in Help | About Current Score
-more careful detection of Play Directives
-auto extended object insertion
Vers. 3.48.3 for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP
* Ability to save high resolution images for
embedding in publication quality documents (such as Word).
* Virtual guitar fretboard, and a virtual piano keyboard...
* Streamlined Undo specifically for text now, so you should be able to type
normally without slow response.
* Preference to disable Undo if you wish, and to control the number of Undo
levels saved ( see File | Set Preferences | Entry Options... )
* Now you can scale the size of the font on printouts to make sure words line up
the same on a printout as on the screen.
* Another new option ( see File | Set Preferences | Midi Playback ) is to have
the notes make a sound as you enter them on the staff.
* "Elapsed Time" on Midi Playback control, for learning how to play a
piece within a certain time.
* Ability to export selections or full scores as graphic image files
* Automatic line wrapping, either while music is being entered, or when
reformatting music later. For example, you can change the length of staff lines
and the music will adjust itself to fit the new staff length.
* Midi playback now recognizes alternate endings and play directives such as
"DC al Coda"
* Ability to import and export "ABC" notation files. ABC is a method
used to represent treble music as text. There are many large libraries of ABC
music available (start by going to <>
) so now there are many more files you can import into MusEdit and then edit and
save them in MusEdit format.
* Ability to indent individual staff lines, so that, for example, only the first
lines of a score show instrument labels
* Ability to adjust space above and below staff lines, so you can put staff
lines closer together, or lyrics closer to the treble staff
* Ledger lines now appear above and below staff lines when the mouse moves near
the staff to help enter notes at the correct position.
* if you wish, MusEdit will now open with the last score which was open when you
closed the program
b) Bug Fixes and Other Improvements in version 3.48.3
* much improved Undo/Redo which works 20 levels deep, and works for practically
any kind of change you make
* allow 160 chord variations, 500 diff. chords per document; (there used to be a
limitation of 64 different chord variations per key+name combination)
* fixed start folder problem; there was a problem that File | Open kept going to
MyDocuments, but now it should go to the proper start folder
* after setting note stye, now all new notes even on existing chords are entered
in that style Note: this is especially good for drum notation. eg. Enter a bunch
of normal notes, then hit Alt+X for X notes and now enter those wherever you
want (you used to have to enter the wrong note type and then change them later)
* removed 32K limit on memory for copying to clipboard so now you can copy
nearly unlimited amounts of music at once (In the old Win 3.1 days there were
much more restrictions on memory, and this limitation on the amount of
stuff you could copy to the clipboard was accidentally left in the newer
versions of MusEdit)
* several problems with accidentals in translation to Tab have been fixed
* putting repeat chord symbols ( / ) should now actually play the previous chord
* cutting/pasting lines with extended objects now handles the ext. objects
* double clicking on alternate font staff text and editing preserves alternate
font (if you added staff text in a different font, then double clicked on it to
edit the text, the font was lost when the text was replaced)
* make Backup is now a global preference rather than a document preference
(turning off "Make Backup Files" ( .BAK ) didn't have any effect until
this got fixed)
Vers. 3.27 (a, b, c, d)
-series of small fixes needed because some of the newest HP and Epson
printers were not printing chord grids and were clipping Tab digits
at the top and bottom. These problems seem to be fixed with the
-(3.27c) added ability to change tab fonts and line spacing in existing
scores (these changes used to be only possible in NEW scores)
-(3.27d) new warnings/instructions on how to set the Start Folder correctly
Vers. 3.26
-completely recompiled version of MusEdit using Visual C++ vers. 6.0
(as opposed to all previous versions which were built with VC 4.0).
This new version requires new system files and therefore a new
version of Installation Disk 2. Although this change produces no
visible change in the programs behavior, it uses the latest libraries
from Microsoft and therefore will include all the improvements and
bug fixes which come with those libraries.
Vers. 3.25
-New Preference: You can now set a "Start Folder" so that when you
do File|Open immediately
after MusEdit starts it will open in your favorite
folder for saving scores, such as C:\My Music.
(this setting can be found on the first page of preferences)
-New "Tutorial" Files in the samples folder. These new files are
intended to help new users get
familiar with some of the basics of MusEdit.
Vers. 3.24, 3.24a, 3.24b
-VERY IMPORTANT BUG FIX: people who have created more than 500 user
defined chords will
start to have a terrible problem with MusEdit: it
crashes before it can even get started! This was
due to a very dumb programming mistake -I never
imagined people would be dealing with
anywhere near 500 custom chords and so I picked
this as what I thought would be a comfortably
large maximum. This is a bit like the dumb
thinking that caused the Y2K problems! It's fixed now
though, so you can have unlimited number of custom
chords from now on.
-Toolboxes have been broken up into many "sub-toolboxes". All of MusEdit's
new symbols toolboxes
are accessed via the View|Symbols Toolboxes menu.
When you select this menu item you will see
the following list:
Common Symbols Toolbox (Full Size)
Common Symbols Toolbox (Mini Size)
Alternate Symbols Toolbox
Notes, Rests, Bars, Ties, Dots
Accidentals (sharps and flats)
Bars and Repeats
Dots, Accents, etc.
Grace Notes
Trills, Turns, Mordents, etc.
Stemless Notes
Guitar Symbols
Drum Symbols
Other Symbols
Note Styles (Mute, Slash, etc.)
-File|Set Preferences|View Options gives you two ways to save your favorite
selection of toolboxes and
their positions (bottom left corner). You
can either set up the toolboxes the way you like and then
open the preferences page and check on "Save current
positions" so that next time MusEdit opens it will
start with the toolboxes set up the way you have
set them up now. Or you can check "Save positions
when quitting" so that the toolboxes will show up
the same way they were when you exit from MusEdit.
-fixed underline font so it will appear correct both on the screen and when printed
-fixed resizing of Extended Objects. Clicking on an extended object
such as a tie or V-line and then dragging
on one of the corners or edges of the selection box changes
the shape of the object more logically now.
-You can now set the width and/or the height of chord diagrams so that
they will be bigger on the screen and
on your printouts:
-choose View|Chord Diagram Appearance
from the menu to open a dialog which lets you set
chord lines
to be permanently visible (even when Hide diagrams is on);
Also, you can
now set the dimensions of chord diagrams FOR THE CURRENT SCORE.
For example,
you can make chord diagrams 150% of "normal" size, or 100% of normal height
and 80% of normal
width (to squish more chords into the same horizontal space). All
in the score
will have the same dimensions, but different scores can have different
chord sizes.
-use File|Set Preferences|Chords to set your preferred chord dimensions FOR ALL NEW SCORES.
-a few bug fixes, such as the extraneous long tie and bar which would
sometimes appear when
you enter a note near the end of a nearly full measure.
Ver. 3.23a
-Bug fixes:
-"Remove" now should correctly remove user-designed chords
-mutual translation between chord and Tab lines
should work (in one direction only: chords will appear
as tab chords in tab
-when doing mutual translation between chord
and treble or tab lines the chords in the staff lines should
appear under the left
edge of the chords (they used to be too far to the right)
Ver. 3.23
1) Three new preferences under File|Set Preferences|Chords
"Only show chords for current tuning"
-previously, no matter what tuning you were
working with, you would always see all standard tuning
chords among the variations available,
but this was incorrect since a C chord in standard
tuning is no longer a C chord in most
alternate tunings. If this option is checked you won't see any
of the standard tuning chords when in
an alternate tuning. One problem though: you will now have
to design your own chord dictionary
for an alternate tuning since there will be no built in chords
for you to choose from. Because
MusEdit has to display SOMETHING when the chord dialog
shows up, it displays a generic "Blank"
chord if there's nothing else available.
"Only show custom chords, even when working in standard tuning"
If you rarely use any of the common
chord fingerings at all and felt they cluttered the variations, you
now have the option to not show the
built in chords even if you are in standard tuning.
"Play sound of selected variation"
If this is checked you will now hear
your selected variation played as you move from variation to
variation with the keyboard (see below).
2) When the chord variations are visible you can use the keyboard to
select the variation you
want (eg. "5" for fifth variation)
or you can use the Up/Down/Left/Right arrow keys. When the
highlighted variation is the one
you want hit "Enter" to accept it.
Ver 3.22a
1) Ability to move tab notes to other strings, with fingering shift
With the new feature, you
place the caret left of the fingering and hit Ctrl+Shift+U/D Arrow and
the fingering will
move (if it can) and simultaneously change so the tone is the same on the
new string.
This is like doing a one note "Shift Fret Position".
2) Ability to avoid shifting open strings when shifting fret position
Now you when you use
"Shift Fret Position" you can check whether you want the open strings
left unchanged and
only shift strings which are fretted.
3) Staff text can now be colored, both by default (it's kind of neat
to see all staff text phrases in red
for example) or when you
use "Set Font" on the staff text dialog.
4) A few aesthetic changes:
-X'd circle notes look more like x'd
circles now
-due to popular demand, glissandos went
on a diet
-p,i,m,a have had small position adjustments
& trimming
-"tr" (trill) is a bit smaller
5) A couple of bug fixes
-time signature is now inherited when a line
group is continued by hitting enter
-crash when using tempo changes in drum lines
is fixed
Ver. 3.22
1) Chord selection dialog:
When you hit the "View" (variations) button you
get a window showing all chord variations...
Right click on a chord to make it play as a sound,
left click on it to select it
2) Chord designer
A "Play Chord" button allows you to hear the chord as
you are designing it
3) Setting line length, two new choices:
"Current position of caret"
"After last symbol in current line"
In the first case, click the mouse where you want
the staff to end (to either shorten or lengthen the line)
and then open the staff length dialog (Ctrl+Shift+L);
in the second case the staff will be drawn a little
beyond the last symbol in the line with the
caret. In both of these cases you no longer have to guess
how many pixels the staff should be.
4) Double click on "staff text" to edit it
When you have staff text somewhere you click on it once
to select it for moving or deleting... now if you
click on it twice you can edit the existing phrase
5) "Staff Text" can be inserted in chord lines (this could always be done actually) and works and looks better
6) Fonts now allow underline style and colored fonts
7) MIDI input metronome:
You can now select any MIDI percussion sound
(such as bass drum, snare drum, side stick, etc.) for
the metronome, and the sound will come out
of your sound system rather than the PC speaker
If you want to play a metronome while playing
along with a MusEdit score I'd suggest opening the
score you want to play along with, then hit
Ctrl+Alt+N (input MIDI) and hit Start to hear the metronome.
Vers. 3.05a:
1) New toolbar symbol to "Show Alternate Symbols Toolbox"
2) Rearranged "Extra" toolbar, with new toolbar symbol for "Input Live MIDI to MusEdit score"
3) Help buttons work on all dialogs. All dialogs have shortcut
underlined letter/key codes whenever possible
(ie. if you see _T_remolo hitting "T" or Alt+T
checks that checkbox (or whatever) )
4) I've replaced all "MIDI Tones" in which Middle C=60 with the absoute
tone in which
Middle C is C4, one octave up
is C5...
5) You can now put dual note stems on a single tab fingering.
Notice that when the alternate
symbols toolbox is open it will change
it's appearance depending on whether the caret is in a
treble/bass line or a Tab line.
In tab lines the "note-like" symbols on the normal alternate syms. tbox
become alternate (second) note tails
for tab fingering which already has a note tail in one direction.
(Or hit Alt+S, then the note type key
(s=16th) to add a 16th note tail to fingering which already has a down
6) Did you notice that a while back I increased the number of "most recently used files" to eight?
7) You can now insert tempo changes directly in staff lines and MIDI
playback will pay attention to them.
Open the AltSymsTB and notice the middle
buttons, middle row. Click once for one type, twice for the other
typr. Immediately after entering
the tempo symbol, hit Ctrl+Shift+T (staff text) and enter "
120" (three
leading spaces). Try other tempos...
the installation will put the file "" in the samples folder.
8) Banjo fingering now allows adjustable fret offset for capoed fifth
string. Also, you now enter the true fret
number {in banjo lingo)
to get banjo fingering.
9) There are now two beam symbols, one inserts a beam, clicking twice inserts a "beam-hider"
10) File|Set Preferences|MIDI Playback and |MIDI Input
-more optional effects
in MIDI playback (eg. tempo)
-...|MIDI|Input covers
file import and live input
11) MIDI file import: new feature: you can import to
Tab (conversion from Teble to Tab done automatically)
Treble only (low notes use lots of ledger
Bass only (high "
" " )
Keyboard, depending on thresholds... see Help
12) If you have a MIDI input device, such as an electronic keyboard,
you can input live MIDI to a MusEdit score;
inputting as Tab, Treble, Bass, or Keyboard.
Choose an input device from Actions|MIDI|Input Device... Click
on "input live MIDI" button then hit
Help for full instructions. See Preferences for lots of settings.
13) Note cluster beams don't slope as much anymore.
V 3.22 (Win 95/98/ME/NT/2K only) Dec. '99
-import some MIDI files
-handle live MIDI input
-MIDI Playback now plays most notation effects (accent, glissando, tempo changes, etc)
-Auto Bar Insertion
-Auto Note Joining
-Auto Stem Direction
-Can set starting page number for printouts
-Can print page numbers on alternating sides of the page
-Beams joining notes don't slope so much
-Can insert Grace note stems on tab lines
-Dual note stems are now possible on tab fingering
-Can insert tempo indicators, and they affect MIDI playback
-Note beam hide/insert symbols
-Rearranged menus and toolbars
-Ability to play drum lines as drum machine
-Can embed multiple images in a MusEdit score
-Many new preferences
-Better handling of banjo fingering
-Ability to set the spacing between tab lines
-8 Items on Recently Used list
-Note bodies have a slightly better shape
-Line groups can have 20 lines
-Help file updated for all new features
If you want to see detailed descriptions of all the new features, click here: Version 3.22 Features
V 2.91 (Win 95/98/NT only) 4/15/99
-extended objects (ties, triplets, cresc., etc.) can now be dragged anywhere,
have their size adjusted with resize handles, changed in shape, easily deleted,
copied and pasted
-triplets can now be any kind of "tuplet" and can point down from above or
up from below
-staff text can now be in any font
-MIDI play controller can always be showing, easy to switch from editing to
playing music, easy to position caret to start playing music
V 2.84a (Win 95/98/NT only) 2/15/99
-added several new line types: alto, tenor, 8va, 8vb, drum, bare clef, percussion
-added 71 new "advanced" and alternate symbols, including drum kit notation
-new chord designer features: 4,5,6 string, 4,5,6,7 fret chords, fingering at bottom of chord, alternate Barre styles
-added four new note styles: "mini", square, triangular, and X'd circle
-ability to mix note styles on a chord (eg. muted and normal notes on one chord)
-added ability to finely adjust horizontal and vertical position of symbols
-"auto-offsetting" of symbols, so for example when you add a sharp to a note
in parentheses the parentheses will adjust position to accomodate the sharp
V 2.52a (Win 95/98/NT only) 9/7/98
NOTE: All current MusEdit customers have been (or will be)
mailed this version as a free upgrade. If you haven't received it yet
please send e-mail to Yowza Software
-fixed ability to set quarter, half, offset note types on Tab chords
-fixed down stem half notes so they are hollow on chords with overlapping solid up notes
-hitting a,b,c to jump to a staff line behaves same even if Caps Lock is on
-set initial default for line group to have mutual translation for treble/tab
V 2.52 (Win 95/98/NT only) 9/1/98 (very few released)
-allow unlimited number of custom chords to be read in and added to personal dictionary
V 2.51 (Win 95/98/NT only) 8/14/98
-fixed saving of MIDI files
V 2.5 (Win95/98/NT only) 8/7/98
-added preference for chord name font
-added preference for position adjustment of tab digits
-all extended obj. drawn with thin lines now
-shifted "Bar x" up a few pix for tab lines so it doesn't blot out alt. tuning
-add more symbols: eSolidDot, eDblRepPhrase, eDblRepBar
-add ability to insert key sig. in middle of line
-add ability to insert all Naturals key sig.
-WNote drawn correctly now
-added offset notes to tab, OS bitmaps, OS fingering
-add ability to put numbers in tab dots (incl. white on black)
-handle rep. phrases in MIDI
-added preference for staff line thickness, slur thickness
-no limit on number of lines in a score
-load resources "on the fly"
-show tones on Tab tuning dialog, make full range avail on all strings
-banjo fingering on 5th string
-down stem half note stays clear when overlapped on dark note
-Time Sig's can have 16 in denominator
-Middle click on extended ties now sets the height of the loop
V 2.10 (Win 95/98/NT only) 6/30/98
-modified Ins. Prev. Bar so it counts only in lines with same label, plus bug fixes
-reduced cases where stacked notes on close chords overlap incorrectly
-made sure top note on close chords is always displaced to right
-can remove a custom tuning now
-Chord designer tuning only shows #strings for curr tuning
-activated thumb scrolling
-added "Add note values to Text tab" and "Play Gtr 8va lower" preferences
-can set tuning without tab line present
-four string instruments handled better in chord designer
-toolbar stays in corner with window resize
-added more standard symbols to Tab->Text Tab translation (Time sig, harmonic,
parens, hon, poff, etc.)
V 2.09 6/10/98
-added Ctrl+Alt+L shortcut for view labeled lines
-fixed MIDI play of rhythm lines
-fixed crash caused by transposing tab line in group
V 2.08
-MIDI handles short and long ties (slurs) better
-slope of beams in beamed clusters kept more reasonable
-Banjo tuning fixed for weird G string
-MIDI Play tool button moved to Main row of tool buttons
-F1 Help works better, Help buttons on dialogs too, revised Help
-Symbols toolbar goes in bottom right corner when MusEdit starts
-fixed bugs in translation of treble to tab (eg accidentals -> two notes on Tab)
-MIDI play doesn't jump in speed (but depends on details of music entry)
-MIDI play works better after using FWD
V 2.07
-internal revision
V 2.05/2.06
-add "Start with New Doc." as preference
-fixed scrolling during repeats in MIDI play
-Cut time is 2/2 now not 2/4 in Time Sig dialog
-preferences aren't changed if a doc is ONLY moved or resized
-added ability to overlap half and quarter notes of same orientation
-MEChords.dat file should be found no matter where MusEdit is launched from
-all dll's are now installed in \Windows\System so MusEdit runs from anywhere
-old-style user chords can now be read in correctly
V. 2.04 (both Win 95 and Win 3.1) 3/19/98
-Win 3.1 version upgraded to equal Win 95 version EXCEPT no ability to play MIDI sounds or save MIDI files
-a dozen fairly obscure (but important) bug fixes
V. 2.03 3/12/98
-Options|Advance Caret Upon Note Entry. You can now toggle this on and off. It makes entering chords and multiple two-digit tab easier. (Also a preference so it can be the default)
Bar Numbering Doesn't Have to Show the Word "Bar" -this is a new preference
Got rid of File|Set Page Numbering Text menu item -it's part of the Print Options dialog now
You can now "Remove" chords from the user dictionary -when the Chord
dialog is dispalying a user-created chord a "Remove" button appears. Clicking this will permanently remove the shown chord from the user dictionary. The chord dialog will then show another variation of the same chord (if one exists) or the "major" chord of the current key. This isn't exactly the same as editing user chords, but you can change a user chord by selecting, hitting "New..." to design and new one based on the old one, save the new one, then select and Remove the old one.
-Muted and slash notes work in tab lines now
-Creating chords in alternate tunings seems to work
-translating treble+bass staff with a low E in a flat key which flats
the low E works properly now, and notes join properly too
-maybe others which I've forgotten...
V. 2.0 (Win 95 only at this time) 2/23/98
Ability to play MIDI, design your own chords, and much more, see: New Features in Vers. 2.0
V 1.19 (95 and 3.1) 11/20/97
-New preferences:
-MusEdit & Doc window pos & size, can set according to current
-Hide Vert extent,
-position of tab digits on staff lines
-tab clipping correction for printout as preference
-Bass staff to Treble tab works right
-Keyboard pair (Treble+Bass) translate to single treble tab line
-text-tab translation works for 4,5,6 strings (eg. .bta)
-translation of notes with accidentals handled better
-Alt+arrow works better
-more automatic refreshing
-adjust position of staff Segno and Coda symbols
-Fonts handled correctly when pasted into new doc.
-fixed end bar on tab lines problem
-fixed various bugs and sources of crashes
-added tab clipping printer correction in pre
V 1.18 (95 and 3.1) 11/13/97
-print preview works with zoom in/zoom out/next/previous
-corrected text printout so words aren't jammed together
-alternate tunings now saved in your system (rather than doc.)
-current tab tuning is target tuning for translations, line groups
-more details added in listed available tab tunings
-translation of tab to instruments with < 6 strings works now (eg. translate guitar tab to fiddle tab)
-banjo tuning and others work correctly now
-Bass Tab added as available line type to line group dialog
-line group settings can be set as defaults
-scrolling, translation, print options saveable as preferences
-corrected bug preventing three Win 3.1 dialogs from opening
-(1.17a) changed some initial default preferences
V 1.17 (95 and 3.1) 10/23/97
-fixed alignment between screen text and printer text lines
-added numerous preference possibilities
-changed KeyBoardSetsCursor so kybrd doesn't enter a symbol
-added ability to print your own pg num phrase
-changed font of chord names
-made drawing of flat symbols in chord names much nicer
-initial focus is on initial document now
-refresh all of staff lines all the time now
-the "3" in triplets prints out better now
-shifted accidentals in key sig. up one pixel in printout
-fixed three crash-causing bugs and a few other small glitches
V 1.16 (95 and 3.1) 9/3/97
-expanded the chord dictionary to over 8,700 chords
-ability to view variations of any given chord in a window accessible from the chord dialog
-automatic numbering of different varieties of the same chord used within a single piece of music
-access dictionary in a way which allows it to be more compact
NOTE: An upgrade disk to V 1.16 was sent (free) to every current MusEdit customer, so if everyone
installed the upgrade ALL current users of MusEdit should now be "in phase" with version 1.16
V 1.15 (95 and 3.1) 8/21/97
-fixed translation from bass staff to bass tab
-don't allow print preview with large symbols
-revise help tips on double click extended objects (up tie, down tie, V line)
-allow opening of .tab .crd .bta .pro text files
-automatic insertion of CR/LF on text documents without CR (carriage returns)
-warning box about opening .bak files
V 1.14 (95 and 3.1 ) 8/11/97
-(Win 3.1 only) fixed tab tuning dialog so alternate tunings can be used
-fixed output of string pitches on alternate tuning tab lines
-prevented ability to enter tab fingering >24
-fixed various aspects of transposition (treble, chord, and tab)
-text -> tab translation works better
-added ability to "replace" current lines during transposition and alt. tuning
-fixed translation of time signature from treble to tab
-fixed a source of crashing caused (sometimes) by adding space at end of line
-adjusted position of X and / symbols on tab lines
-fixed an error in bass tab translation
-more accurate treble->tab translation for notes close together on staff
-fixed occasional problem displaying X and / symbols
V 1.13 (95 and 3.1) 7/26/97-7/31/97
-remove extra symbols around notes in proper (ie. reverse) order, remove note last
-Insertion shortcut now takes previous tab base fret into account
-insert tab version of note at lower fret position if no other choice but below base fret
-fix inserting natural on G on tab with G# in treble key sig
-fix counting of previous bars so first bar in a staff line is not double counted
-clean up multiple ties on note clusters
-safer text to tab translation checking
-copying line copies extended objects too
-Undo/Redo for: InsDel Character, InsDel Chord, Ins/Del ExtendedObj,
Ins/Del RhythmObj, Ins/Del ChordPic, Ins/Del Line, Ins/Del TimeSig
-allow existing chords to be displayed without museditc.dll present
-small cleanups of staff printouts
-better handling of low resource errors
V 1.12 (95 and 3.1) 7/21/97
-allocate enough space for copying tab lines in text format (copying a line of Tab could cause crash in earlier version)
-draw complicated note beams better
1.11 - First widely released version 7/14/97
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Yowza Software, P.O. Box 4275, Berkeley CA 94704 USA |
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