MusEdit is an inexpensive, yet full-featured music notation editor useful for:
-entering sheet music into your computer so it can be edited, compactly stored, and printed in almost any size exactly the way you want it
-"Play" the music through your computer's sound system so you can check the accuracy of your transcription
-scrolling music while playing your instrument -no more page turning!
-transmitting and sharing accurate, graphical versions of music with friends and other musicians
-learning and teaching about transposition, alternate guitar tunings, chord variations, and many other aspects of music
Basically, MusEdit is a "word processor" for music. We all know how indispensable word processors are for text, and now musicians have an affordable editor for their other medium of expression: music.
For a slide show about...
...what MusEdit is for, click here:
What MusEdit is For
...what MusEdit can do, click here:
What MusEdit Can Do to use MusEdit, click here:
How To Use MusEdit
To view an animated tutorial on how to use MusEdit, Click Here!
Yowza Software, P.O. Box 4275, Berkeley CA 94704 USA |