MusEdit Features - Strings

Using MusEdit for... Stringed Instrument Notation

Alto clef for Viola notation:

Fingering details for individual notes:

Clef changes (Bass to Treble, Treble to Bass) within the staff:

Complex time signatures, slurs, up and down stroke notation, other specialized notation:


Samples of Stringed Instrument Scores:

(Note! Printed images will not have the jagged lines seen in these screen shots! See FAQ-Appearance)


Beethoven-FMajQuartet.gif (24130 bytes)
String Quartet in 
F Major, Op. 18, No. 1 
L. van Beethoven

Cello - Arpeggioine Sonata - F Schubert.png (6770 bytes)

Arpeggionine Sonata
F. Schubert

Cello - Britten - Second Suite Part IV.png (33900 bytes)

Second Suite Part IV
B. Britten

Cello - The Earl of Sussex's Delight.png (10305 bytes)

The Earl of Sussex's Delight
Tobias Hume

Mozart-EineKleineNachtmusik.gif (37267 bytes)
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
W. A. Mozart



Yowza Software, P.O. Box 4275, Berkeley  CA  94704  USA 800-234-0427