MusEdit Features - Drums

Using MusEdit for... Drum Kit and Percussion Notation

MusEdit drum staff can have either "double bar" or "Narrow Box" drum clefs:

These are some of the percussion sounds which MusEdit can produce with Drum lines:

Samples of Drum Kit and Percussion Scores:

(Note! Printed images will not have the jagged lines seen in these screen shots! See FAQ-Appearance)

ArtOfBoogaloo.gif (25426 bytes)
Art Of Boogaloo
BitchesBrew.gif (31786 bytes)
Bitches Brew
Discipline.gif (16175 bytes)
Discipline-Koukou.gif (13644 bytes)
InTheHouse.gif (14601 bytes)
In The House


Yowza Software, P.O. Box 4275, Berkeley  CA  94704  USA 800-234-0427