MusEdit Features - Flute, Brass, & Woodwinds

Using MusEdit for... Flute, Brass, and Woodwind Notation

It's easy to write flute, brass, and woodwind notation with MusEdit!  Because these instruments are used mostly as melody instruments (ie. "chords" are very rare) you can quickly enter the notation by using the mouse to drop symbols on the staff, or simply typing the music with your computer's keyboard.  It's also easy to create ensembles for several instruments, and the Midi sound of each instrument can be set appropriately.

Click on the sample scores below to see examples of notation for these instruments created with MusEdit...

Samples of Flute, Brass, and Woodwind Scores:

(Note! Printed images will not have the jagged lines seen in these screen shots! See FAQ-Appearance)

Come_Again.png (12031 bytes)

Flute - Come Again

Flute-Gariboldi-Study-1.png (11798 bytes)

Flute - Gariboldi 
Study No. 1

The_Harmonious_Blacksmith.png (16184 bytes)

Flute - The Harmonious Blacksmith

A_Night_In_Tunisia.png (12708 bytes)

Sax - A Night In Tunisia

Chord_Studies_for_Trombone.png (9412 bytes)

Trombone - Chord Studies

Girl_From_Ipanema.png (21598 bytes)

Trumpet - Girl From Ipanema

Satin_Doll.png (8230 bytes)

Trumpet - Satin Doll 




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