MusEdit Features - Acoustic Guitar

Using MusEdit for... Acoustic Guitar Notation

Click here for an animated illustration of MusEdit's Acoustic Guitar features!

Alternate tunings, for any 4, 5, or 6 string instruments
translate Tab from one tuning to another
translate Tab in any tuning to treble and vice versa


Example translation from standard tuning to ECAECE tuning:


Translate keyboard music to single staff fingerstyle arrangements
(Bass notes are shifted up by an octave or two to fit within the
guitar's range - this preserves the bass line in the arrangement!)


Shift fret positions for specific notes, or for whole measures or larger sections of music


Create chord diagrams for any tuning, with 4, 5, or 6 strings, and up to 7 frets

ChordDesigner.gif (14585 bytes)    

Here is an example of chord diagrams for a slightly altered "Open C" tuning, 
drawn in the style used in Acoustic Guitar magazine:

Here are some "Standard Tuning" ( E A D G B E ) chords, 
also in the style used Acoustic Guitar magazine:


Samples of Acoustic Guitar Scores:

(Note! Printed images will not have the jagged lines seen in these screen shots! See FAQ-Appearance)

AshokanFarewell.gif (21309 bytes)
Ashokan Farewell
Banana.gif (23895 bytes)
Hole In The Banana
CocaineBlues.gif (33576 bytes)
Cocaine Blues
LouisCollins.gif (42758 bytes)
Louis Collins
MilleFiori-OpenGmTuning.gif (22082 bytes)
Mille Fiore
(Open Gm Tuning)
OhMaryDontYouWeep.gif (39457 bytes)
Oh Mary Don't
You Weep
ScarboroughFair.gif (38691 bytes)
SpanishFandango.gif (18586 bytes)
Spanish Fandango
SunflowerRiverBlues.gif (34304 bytes)
River Blues
TheHagWithTheMoney.gif (22729 bytes)
The Hag With 
The Money
TheresADestruction.gif (60791 bytes)
There's A
YeBanksAndBraes.gif (21990 bytes)
Ye Banks and Braes




Yowza Software, P.O. Box 4275, Berkeley  CA  94704  USA 800-234-0427